Friday, January 25, 2008

pCSDT Prototype is online

The prototype has been uploaded to
We used JNLPAppletLauncher to deploy the pCSDT applet to the web. Here is how it is described in its website.

The JNLPAppletLauncher is a general purpose JNLP-based applet launcher class for deploying applets that use extension libraries containing native code. It allows applets to use extensions like Java 3D, JOGL, and JOAL very easily, with just a few additional parameters to the applet tag, on Java SE versions as far back as 1.4.2.

Like Java Web Start, the JNLPAppletLauncher uses an extension's .jnlp file to locate the native resources for a given extension. The applet developer only needs to specify the platform-independent .jar files containing the .class files for the extension. The platform-specific "nativelib" .jar files are downloaded automatically from the same server that hosts the extension's Java Web Start binaries.

Extensions that support JNLPAppletLauncher include Java 3D, JOGL, and JOAL."

It seems more convenient to use JNLPAppletLaunched instead of JoglAppletLauncher which was used in Breakdancer applet. So I created a copy of Breakdancer using JNLPAppletLauncher at this URL. That version of applet is a bit enlarged to display the whole body-parts tree.

Kera's class, online community

Skype meeting with Kera's class went OK, but considerable confusion on the basics. They are waiting to see Hilmi's prototype before they decide on what tasks to take on.

Last night I found out none of their passwords had been mailed out -- some glitch with our tech support. They got it today but apparently did not get my instructions how how to access the subversion server so I mailed that out as well.

We have a server for the online community (yea!!)--shared with Jim Zappen; its the system he uses for connected kids. Undergrad John Bonner is installing Drupal and will set us up for registration, login, uploads, and ratings system.

I tried out a media wiki ( but found it too hard to use. I hate to think of all those students emailing me to ask about it. Hopefully the Drupal-based system will be straight-forward.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Milestones for pCSDT

  • January 25: Migration of the project to a URL.
  • February 1: to be able to run dances using only a sequence of pre-defined method calls. This requires the integration of user interface and the dancer program.
  • February 15: to be able to use other structures like loops, variables, expressions in coding...
  • March 14: modification of the user interface to be able to create re-usable user defined methods.
  • March 28: to be able to use user-defined methods in actual coding. Also creating methods by using the old BD program.
  • April 15: completion of the project.
  • May 15: completion of the documentation and bug fixes.

This week, I'll try to add the feature to play mp3 files from desktop for the old BD besides migrating pCSDT to a URL.

Meeting, Eval proposal, ACCS

Great meeting with Hilmi and Moorthy yesterday; will place my notes below.

NSF has asked us to send in a supplemental eval proposal--problem is RPI wanted us to classify teachers as consultants, which would greatly increase overhead costs. Finally got them to agree using following from NSF:

Chapter II – Section C.2.g(v), Participant Support Costs, has been revised to show that for some educational projects conducted at local school districts, the participants are being trained as employees. If that is the case, the costs should be classified as participant support if a stipend or training allowance method is used.

Got some great dances from Linda's students, posted Melissa's rhythm wheels materials in the websites at
Jay is setting up a media wiki to allow students to upload their own dances, bead work etc. Trevor Gray is working on a php system for that as well. Will be working with undergrad Christina Weigers on merging design tools with the 3D printer (but will need to figure out access to sol files). Also looking at simulations for hexastrip baskets with a student. And here are the meeting notes:

Meeting with Moorthy and Hilmi 1/18/2008

A. Completion of breakdancer:
1. Description of current state is at
2. Deadline we have set ourselves for completion is April 15 (after that will be time for documentation, revisions, training next programmer, etc.)
3. Can create new methods by saving a move with the old dancer.
4. Right now only one class: humanoid. Eventually we hope to have several body shapes to choose from. Other “modes” would also have multiple classes. For example the bead loom: might want to import some other shape rather than beads. One issue is determining the “anchor” for the new shape (eg when you apply a rotation it would rotate around the anchor). Perhaps the anchor location can be given in Cartesian coordinates as a parameter of the class.
5. “Setrighthip” method example: So here one of the parameters would be the frame number. This will solve the problem of distinguishing sequential from parallel moves.

B. Improvements to old (non-programmable) BD:
1. Load music files from desktop
2. Increase size of applet
3. Remove .ani option from save dance

C. Future meetings
1. meet every two weeks (thurs 2pm)
2. Blog every friday
3. Hilmi will come up with milestones

Monday, January 7, 2008

Rhythm Wheels website, more kvetching about BD

More complaints from Linda's studnets about not being able to get BD to work. Working with Elluminate for virtual presentation for Richmond VA MathScience Center. Working with Chance Lewis and Tiffany on supplemental grant for extended evaluation (at NSF's request).

Meanwhile took the syllabi and teaching materials from Melissa Megna's work with Rhythm Wheels at the ACCS last semester and created a website: